2019 was an excellent year for LLYC globally, which saw our revenue grow by 12.4% to 43 million euros of revenue. Our team of professionals grew at a similar pace, rising by 12% to reach 610. The expansion has helped us lay a solid foundation for our 2020-2022 Strategic Plan, which will allow us to grow and continually improve our client-focused offering.

It was a year of renewal that prepares us to face the future. We updated our value proposition, adapting it to a disruptive and uncertain environment so we can offer the best solutions to our clients’ challenges. We also carried out a rebranding exercise resulting in a new brand and corporate image.

LLYC is a global communication and public affairs consulting firm that helps clients make strategic decisions in an unsettling world ,while taking into account their reputational impact. We work with our clients proactively, offering creativity and seniority, while minimizing risks and seizing opportunities.

LLYC helps clients achieve their short-term business goals and to develop a road map with a long-term vision to defend their social license to operate and increase their prestige.